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News & Announcements

Modular Test Systems
Jul 12, 2024 | Engineering Resources
Mini-Circuits’ RCM, ZTM, and ZTM2-series modular test solutions give you the freedom to configure your system with any combination of switches, amplifiers, splitters/combiners, attenuators, and couplers.

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Reflectionless Bandpass Filters: Connectorized & Broadband
Jun 28, 2024 | Engineering Resources
The ZXBF filter series incorporates Mini-Circuits’ patented reflectionless filter technology to terminate stopband signals up to 40 GHz internally rather than reflecting them back up the signal chain.

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Mini-Circuits To Attend the IEEE COMCAS 2024 Conference
Jun 24, 2024 | Engineering Resources
Come join us at IEEE COMCAS 2024 from July 9 to 11 at the David Intercontinental Hotel in Tel Aviv, Israel. Our CEO, Jin Bains, will be delivery a keynote speech on "Technology Innovations Enabling the Rise of Commercial mmWave Markets."

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Advanced Search Engine
for RF Components

Search millions of points of actual, measured data to find the part for your requirements based on characteristic performance over your specific application band.

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for RF/Microwave Engineers